Meet the adaptable homes that change as you do

Newly single? Expecting twins? Starting a business? Grandma’s moving in? Life’s always changing. Wouldn’t it be great if your home could change with it? The good news is, such flexible structures exist and are quickly becoming the gold standard in smart construction.

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Adaptable homes are exactly that. Adaptable. Flexible. Future-proof. They’re designed to get bigger, smaller or easier to access if and when you need them to. This means you can stay in place if things change (no upping stumps to a new part of town), steer clear of demolitions or long renovations (inconvenient and costly), and leave a lighter footprint on the planet (one less new build).

In short, adaptable homes adaptable homes are the way of the future, helping to create thriving communities filled with people who can put roots down.

So, how do adaptable homes work?

They can change size

We’re not talking ‘transformers’ or tacking on a lean-to. adaptable homes are simply smarter by design. Thanks to clever planning, they can gracefully accommodate that granny flat, AirBnb conversion or retirement downsize, with options to extend out or divide into smaller zones should you need to. Perhaps you’ll never want to change a thing about your place, but knowing you’re prepared for every age and stage is pure peace of mind.

They can change layout

Everyone has been in a house that feels a little ‘pokey’. Whether it’s a long, winding hallway, tiny rooms you don’t know what to do with, or a bathroom you simply can’t find, a poorly thought-out floor plan can drastically limit your options. By contrast, adaptable homes are designed to be dynamic and multi-functional, made up of 100% usable space that can be reimagined if, say, you want to move from upstairs to down, work from home, or section-off part of the house for your teen. Their rooms are generously proportioned and set out in a flowing, circular fashion so that however you want to arrange your home, it’ll just work.

They accommodate everybody

Conventional houses are built for the average person. But who is that average person, anyway? Most people have (or will have) unique needs based on age, ability, family situation and personal taste. adaptable homes respect these differences, and can be easily modified as you age, if you have special needs or if extended family moves in. They give everyone a fair go at a comfortable life, enriching our communities with diversity, stability and personal satisfaction.

They save on everything

Waste is hurting the planet, and we need to think smarter for a sustainable future. Rather than knock-down, rebuild or move house every time life happens, an Adaptable Home means you can stay in place and work with what you’ve got. Add, subtract or modify; it’s all part of the plan. You’ll save the rigmarole of applications and approval, the resources of a from-scratch build, and the money involved in moving. The planet and your wallet will thank you.

They allow you to stay put

The ability to ‘age in place’, that is, stay in your own home for life, matters for so many reasons. Research shows that maintaining independence, autonomy, community connections and control is a recipe for a long, healthy and happy existence. And of course, knowing you’re settled just feels good. When it comes to ageing well, adaptable homes shine. With options for easier access, rearranged floorplans or a downsize, you won’t have to move as you get older; you can stay put and thrive.

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Why aren’t adaptable homes everywhere?

The logic of adaptable homes has been around for a long time; perhaps as long as human history. Many Indigenous groups lived in movable, collaborative structures while Modernist architects saw the need for flexible spaces to fit the needs of real people.

Unfortunately, cutting costs is the first thing on most modern developers’ minds; getting quick, cheap housing built and filled. That’s how ugly estates full of rows of identical houses happen. These low-cost, single-use and unsightly structures don’t particularly suit the needs of anybody, let alone cultivate community. They’ve been the going rate in Australia for far too long, and are a direct result of putting profits before people.

The future is adaptable

Around Australia and the world, adaptable homes (and the Adaptable Communities they create) are springing up everywhere; places where people can put roots down in homes as unique and individual as they are. Standouts include Density By Design, Nightingale Housing and Assemble Communities. It won’t be long before timeless and personally-tailored adaptable homes are the norm.

What real communities are made of

Happy people and supportive communities start at home. When those homes are flexible, personalised and adaptable, everyone gets the chance to live on their own terms, for as long as they want to. Now that’s a better future.

Have your say

Want to have your say on homes for Devonport? You’re invited to take part in our comprehensive consultation program where we’ll be listening closely to your ideas, feedback and vision for Devonport Showground.

Have your say on how we build a $75 million investment in homes, jobs, and opportunity for Devonport

HomesLisa White